Well, more like, Breakfast of Someone-With-Time-On-Their-Hands, but still extremely yummy.
Fried eggs with cracked black pepper, Kosher salt, and a dusting of cayanne; topped with homemade (and home grown) basil pesto.
Follow that up with a mocha latte made with espresso from Kona coffee, dark chocolate syrup, and topped with homemade whipped cream.
Pretty much doesn't get any better than that.
And really, other than having the pesto on hand from a masive pesto making session at my parents' house, the whipped cream left over from a previous dessert, and owning an espresso machine, this could all be made any time! ;)
OMG, Matteo... my mouth is watering. Next time you should call me to partake... 'cause you should have a second opinion ;)
I remember that breakfast...mmmm
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